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Yannick Dahan

(Toulouse, France, 1972) received a Masters in Art History at the University of Paris and one in Socio-Cultural History at the University of Versaille, St Quentin-en-Yvelines. He later began working as a film critic, including for the monthly Positif. He hosted and created several television programmes, including Frisson Break (which aired on Ciné Cinéma Frisson) and Séance Interdite (Canal +). With Benjamin Rocher he prouduced and directed La Horde, the first French zombie movie.

La horde is a radical work of fiction, not necessarily rooted in presentation of implied or gratuitously explicit violence, preferring to focus on the development of the characters and the thematic backdrop against which their tale unfolds. Initially, both the cops and the gangsters are in a real psychological dead end. In many ways, the cops’ punishment raid is a suicide mission… Thrown together by circumstance and their instinct for survival, forced to unite in the face of danger, the characters are still ultimately alone. Surprisingly, perhaps even quite iconoclastically, La horde is nevertheless still a very moral film at heart. We refuse to apologize for, or to attempt to justify, the decision of the cops to take the law into their own hands. There is also, of course, no way to gloss over the fact that our “larger than life” fictional gangsters are fundamentally just dangerous psychopaths. However; the characters, while initially unsympathetic, will eventually reveal their humanity by showing their inner conflicts and what lies beneath their obvious Manichaeism.
Yannick Dahan & Benjamin Rocher